Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cleaning Home and Soul

Although I wanted to release a couple of articles today, it is time to get started on the day's tasks. I have always had a philosophy of minimalism, but have not always exercised that mindset with consistency . I have a father who put all of his faith in what or who he could own or control and have seen how miserable this approach to life has made him in his final days. Not only has he lost a son, he has lost the honor that accompanies the choice of others over self. Humans are constantly tempted throughout life with the choice between self and others. Particularly important is the parental obligation to protect and nurture one's children. That is a basic standard that wild animals consistently honor and many humans consistently reject in their preference for greed.

In my desire to not become my father. I also have to find a way to survive in the world that honors my father and dishonors true charity. My personal opinion is that not human is of lesser value than myself. Though we may have different focuses and may be at different periods in our lives, I refuse any suggestion that anyone is genetically deficient, or somehow preordained to live a lowly existence.

I will try to update this line of thought and be more active on this page. Within the next few weeks I will likely be able to do that. For now, I have to move on to other priorities, priorities which iwll be explained in more detail as time permits. I believe the personal revision and improvement is no longer a choice, but the only way any of us is going to live the best life we can live. More later....

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